Säljer en sprillans ny SBox Ghost Box + Recorder pga felköp. Denna nya spiritbox anses av många vara riktigt bra då den har massor av intressanta funktioner där du kan välja hur din spiritbox ska fungera. Du har även en ficklampa samt att du kan spela in dina ERF/EVPs på ett minneskort som medföljer.
Pris: 1000kr då får du med minneskortet samt att frakten är inräknad.
The SBox Ghost Scanner is a spirit box radio frequency sweep scanner and recorder for paranormal research. SBox includes many other features to aid in making your investigations easier while providing quality evidence documentation.
- Automatic FM/AM Radio Sweep + Spike Detect
- Record & Playback Radio Sweep and EVP Audio
- NEW — Adjustable Sweep Speed Control (download update for previous purchases)
- Rechargeable Battery and Long Life
- Forward or Reverse Sweep Direction
- Loud, Amplified Speaker (10x power) and Headphone Port
- Backlit Display and Built-in Flashlight
- Bluetooth Connection for Use as a Wireless Speaker
SBox is a NEW spirit box built specifically for paranormal investigations with features we need. It’s a compact and easy to use tool for communication with paranormal entities. SBox utilizes radio frequency sweeps to generate white noise from existing FM and AM bands which theories suggest may provide an entity the energy they need to be heard. When this occurs you may hear voices or sounds coming through the static in their attempt to communicate.